you have exellent potential
i look forward to seeing your future submissions
you have exellent potential
i look forward to seeing your future submissions
dude that was pritty mint
you animated this very well with the music the grapchics were realy good to
i can see how youve tried to create your own style however it reminds me to much of the clock crew and people will just see it as a recreation of something thats been done before like you said.
if i was you i would put more thought and detail into your characters and try and see if you can come up with something unique i know it will be hard but i think you got some potential
to create something like the madness series or bunny kill etc. you know mindless violence knd thing every one loves mindless violence
any way i to look forwad to your first episode
twas ok
i liked it looking forward to see the sequal
thats some awsome work
its good for a girl that is :P
one of the best ive seen keep it up
kinda suked
bettter luk next time
yer im a noob sry
hahaha what the fuk!?
it was so shit it made me laught my bolox off
at the begining were hes makeing queer noises that was fuking funny
but after that it doesnt make any sense espualy the end then i was just laughting at how shit it was
make a sequal!!
Best halo parodies on the web!!!
not well animated but like you said you had to start again from
start which must have been frustrating and you can tel you kinda rushed it to get it i close to your realease date
shows your loyal to your fans i guess
i like your drawing though
fuking incredable!
that was so fuking funny!! ive never laughted so hard!!
Age 76, Male
Joined on 5/29/05